1. Do you often write down notes?
Absolutely, I rely on notes a lot. I use them to jot down information I come across during my work or studies. It helps me remember things more effectively.
2. Do you make a lot of notes on your phone?
Of course! I use my phone's notes app all the time. Grocery lists , to-do lists , interesting things I hear on podcasts - they all go in there. It's so much easier than trying to remember everything, you know.
3. When do you usually make notes?
Well, I tend to make notes in a few certain situations. One is during meetings or lectures when there's a lot of information to capture . Another is when I'm brainstorming ideas - writing things down helps organize my thoughts more efficiently.
4. Is it common for people in your country to write notes?
Yes, definitely! Writing notes is very popular in my country. Students often use them in class to memorize lessons, and professionals use them to keep track of their work or schedules.
jot down sth (phrasal verb) = ghi chú điều gì đó một cách nhanh chóng
come across sth (phrasal verb) = tình cờ bắt gặp cái gì đó
grocery list (phrase) = danh sách mua hàng
to-do list (phrase) = danh sách công việc cần làm
capture (v) = nắm bắt
brainstorm ideas (phrase) = động não tìm ý tưởng
keep track of sth (phrase) = theo dõi điều gì đó
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