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Origins Academic Team

IELTS Writing Task 2 - Good Behavior (Agree or Disagree Question)

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

It is the responsibility of schools to teach good behavior in addition to providing formal education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? (15/04/2023)


Nowadays, it is often argued that schools are obliged to shape students into decent members of society by teaching them moral values besides traditional academic subjects. Personally, I totally agree with this viewpoint and will present my opinion in the following essay.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why many people believe that the responsibility for delivering moral lessons to children does not belong to schools. Firstly, some of these educational institutions are often faced with limited resources such as time and budget constraints . This, in turn, can hinder schools from allocating sufficient resources to teaching children about good demeanor , especially when formal education already demands significant attention from teachers. Secondly, because of the large number of students at the same time in a class, many instructors have great difficulty in comprehending each child’s character to effectively tailor moral lessons for them . Such a kind of education would be better conducted by parents instead, who are certainly closer to their children and have essential personal experience in raising them.

On the other hand, I firmly hold that schools should play a pivotal role in helping children become well-behaved individuals. Since children spend a considerable portion of their waking hours in classes, it provides an ideal opportunity for schools to teach and reinforce good manners consistently. In other words, the extended influence of schools ensures that students could receive regular reminders, practice, and feedback on their behavior, leading to greater consistency in their overall development. Apart from that, by educating children about proper conduct , schools can actively address and prevent bullying which is prevalent in numerous educational environments around the world. More specifically, the promotion of such virtues as kindness, empathy, and respect among pupils can help create a culture of acceptance and inclusion, thus reducing cases of bullying and its serious repercussions .

In summary, for the reasons mentioned above, it is my firm conviction that schools ought to take responsibility for educating students about moral standards.



  • be obliged to do sth (phrase) = có nghĩa vụ phải làm điều gì đó

  • decent (adj) = tử tế, đứng đắn

  • be faced with sth (phrase) = đối mặt với điều gì đó

  • constraint (n) = hạn chế

  • allocate resources / budget / money /… to sb / sth (phrase) = phân bổ tài nguyên / ngân sách / tiền bạc đến ai đó / cái gì đó

  • demeanor / manner / conduct (n) = cách ứng xử

  • tailor sth to / for sb / sth (phrase) = điều chỉnh cái gì đó để phù hợp với một cá nhân / một mục tiêu cụ thể

  • play a pivotal role in sth (phrase) = đóng vai trò then chốt trong việc gì đó

  • waking hours (phrase) = khoảng thời gian trong ngày mà một người thức thay vì ngủ

  • reinforce (v) = thúc đẩy, củng cố

  • prevalent (adj) = phổ biến

  • virtue (n) = đức tính tốt

  • repercussion (n) = hậu quả



Schools are responsible for teaching good behavior in addition to providing formal education + personal opinion: Agree

Body 1: The reasons why schools should not take responsibility for teaching good behavior

  • Some schools face limited resources in terms of time and budget → they cannot teach moral lessons effectively, especially when formal education already requires lots of attention

  • Large class sizes make it difficult for teachers to adapt moral lessons to each child's character → parents, who are closer to their children, would be able to provide better moral guidance

Body 2: The reasons why schools should take responsibility for teaching good behavior

  • Children often spend a large amount of time at school → they can learn and strengthen good behavior consistently through regular reminders, practice, and feedback → greater overall development

  • By promoting virtues like kindness, empathy and respect, schools can create a culture of acceptance and inclusion among children → a reduction in bullying cases and their negative consequences


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