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Origins Academic Team

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Multiple Charts

Updated: Jan 25, 2024

The first graph shows the number of train passengers from 2000 to 2009. The second graph shows the percentage of trains running on time.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The provided charts illustrate the number of railway passengers and the proportion of punctual trains against an established target between 2000 and 2009.

From an overall perspective , there were fluctuations in both the figures for rail passengers and on-time trains, with the latter mostly falling short of the expected level.

As shown in the first graph, starting at roughly 38 billion in 2000, the passenger count experienced a slight increase of 4 billion in 2002 and a small dip to the initial value a year later. This number then reached a peak of 48 billion in 2005 before dropping and ending at around 45 billion by the end of the timeframe.

Moving on to the second graph, the punctuality rate was only 92% in 2000. The situation began to improve from 2002 when the percentage of on-time trains consistently met and even exceeded the benchmark of 95%. However, this proportion then fell sharply to a low of 92% in 2006, before swiftly rebounding in the following years to surpass the target by 2% in 2008 and level off throughout 2009.



  • from an overall perspective (phrase) = nhìn chung

  • fluctuation (n) = sự biến động

  • fall short of sth (idiom) = không đạt được mục tiêu gì đó

  • slight increase (phrase) = sự gia tăng nhẹ

  • small dip (phrase) = sự giảm nhẹ

  • reach a peak (phrase) = đạt đỉnh

  • exceed the benchmark (phrase) = vượt mức chuẩn

  • fall sharply (phrase) = giảm mạnh

  • low (n) = mức thấp nhất

  • swiftly rebound (phrase) = nhanh chóng hồi phục

  • surpass the target (phrase) = vượt chỉ tiêu

  • level off (phrasal verb) = giữ ổn định


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